Breakfast 0730 (3p/3c/3f)
3 eggs (3p)
1/2 apple (1c)
1 c strawberries(1c)
1/2 c blueberries (1c)
9 almonds
Snack 1230 (1p/1c/1f)
1 hardboiled egg (1p)
1/2 apple (1c)
3 almonds (1f)
Lunch 1500 (3p/2c/3f)
3 oz pork (3p)
~2 c spinach (2c)
9 almonds
*I could not eat all the spinach. This was my first experience with frozen spinach and I thought it was so awful I couldn't finish all of it.
Dinner 1830 (3p/1c/1f)
3 oz pork (3p)
8 cherries (1c)
9 almonds (3f)
*I brought asparagus with me to eat, but it tasted bad, so I had to throw it away.
Snack 2200
Hamburger & hotdog (no bun)
*Went over to a friends house and ate some grilled yumminess. Not Zone nor Paleo, but it was good!
1 small/miniature Reese's PB cup (my fav), dark chocolate covered almonds (they are actually not too terrible for you, they are dipped in dark chocolate and rolled in cocoa. They don't have any artificial ingredients. From Trader Joe's)
I decided on the weekends I can be a little looser with myself. Not totally, just a little.
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Hailey William